How do I get a Group Mentor to an Active status for an MYL Group Mentoring Program?

  1. Go to the Mentor Record page and pull up the appropriate Mentor Record. Then, go to the Volunteer Record for the MYL Group Mentoring program on the bottom half of the page. If the mentor has more than one case record (involvement), you may need to toggle views using the Grid View button to select the current MYL Group Mentoring record.

  2. Under Registration Process on the lower right hand side of the screen, click on the Completed box at the end of the Statement of Suitability row using the date the mentor was determined suitable to interact with participating minors.

    Each registration step that says “Yes” under the required column must have a date entered before you can advance the mentor to a status of Active. It is important to enter completed dates for your other process steps as well.

  3. Click on the Completed box at the end of the Approved/Waiting (Group Mentoring) row. Enter the date that the mentor was approved for the program. Be sure to use the accurate date.

  4. Once you have clicked outside of the Completed box, a window will pop up saying that your registration processes are complete and asking if you would like to change the status of the mentor to Active. Click Yes.

  5. Confirm that the Active Date shown is correct and click Save.

  6. If the mentor is newly enrolled, meaning this is the first time the mentor will be participating in the OJJDP grant funded program, it is important to complete the following steps:

  • Under Mentor Profile, complete the LF: Enrollment Date field. Be sure to use the accurate date that the mentor was approved for the MYL Program. We will use this date to calculate how many active mentors you have during a reporting period.
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  • :bulb:Optional: Register the Mentor at Mentoring Central using the IMS ID number located next to the mentor’s name at the top of the screen.