How do I edit the survey invite default email?

Editing Survey Invite Default Email

1.Go to the Survey screen from the Navigation menu.

2.Select the appropriate survey from the drop down list. Each survey has its own default email.

3.In the Invite Email Template box, type in the subject and message that you would like to appear as the default email.
Note: You can always modify the email subject or text prior to sending the invite(s).

4.If you would like to add a merge field, place your cursor in the correct location in your email, and then double click on the appropriate merge field from the Merge Field box in the right-hand column.

If you are sending a survey to a participant’s support contact or reference, you can include the support contact’s full name in the email template by manually inserting the following data field:

[[Support Contact Name]]

Here’s an example of the support contact datafield in use:

You may copy the text below and use it to modify your own support contact-related survey:

Dear [[Support Contact Name]],

[[Contact Name]] is applying to become a mentor and has given your name as a reference. We’d like for you to answer some questions. We have obtained consent from and assure you that your answers will be held completely confidential and will not be shared with [[Contact Name]]:

[[Survey Link]]

We appreciate your timely response and valuable input.
